Alcohol-free fermented blueberry-blackberry beverage phenolic extract attenuates dietinduced obesity and blood glucose in C57BL/6J mice
The aim of this study was to determine the potential of phenolic compounds from a fermented blackberry–blueberry beverage to reduce diet-induced obesity and hyperglycemia in mice fed a 60% high-fat diet (HFD) for 10 weeks after 1 week of pretreatment. C57BL/6J mice were randomized into six groups and allowed to drink (ad libitum) an alcohol-free blackberry–blueberry beverage [alcohol-free fermented beverage (AFFB), 8.4 mg anthocyanin (ANC)/kg body weight (BW)/day]; three doses of a phenolic extract [postamberlite extract (PAE)] from AFFB at 0.1 ×, 1 × and 2 × ANC concentrations; sitagliptin (hypoglycemic positive control); or water (negative control). Weight and fat mass gain were attenuated in mice receiving the highest doses of PAE (18.9 mg ANC/kg BW/day, P < .05). There were also reductions (P < .05) in percent fat mass, epididymal fat pad weights, mean adipocyte diameters and plasma triglycerides and cholesterol associated with PAE treatments. By the end of the study, fasting blood glucose for mice receiving 9 mg (1 ×) or 18.9 mg (2 ×) ANC/kg BW/day was significantly lower than in the water and the sitagliptin groups (P < .05). Histological and histochemical analyses revealed an unexpected change in liver of mice fed ANC at 1 × or 2 × doses consisting of liver enlargement and increased lipid deposition. PAE also induced the most differential gene expression changes, including highly significant downstream effects at all doses to reduce d-glucose concentrations. Overall, phenolic compounds from the fermented blueberry–blackberry beverage had an impact to attenuate the development of obesity and fasting blood glucose in C57BL/6J mice.
本研究的目的是确定一种发酵的黑莓-蓝莓饮料中酚类化合物在减少小鼠饮食诱导的肥胖和高血糖方面的潜力,该饮料在预处理1周后饲喂60%高脂饮食(HFD) 10周。C57BL/6J小鼠随机分为6组,允许小鼠(随意)饮用无酒精黑莓蓝莓饮料[无酒精发酵饮料(AFFB), 8.4 mg花青素(ANC)/kg体重(BW)/天];从AFFB中提取三次0.1 ×、1 ×和2 × ANC浓度的酚类提取物[琥珀后提取物(PAE)];西格列汀(低血糖阳性对照);或水(阴性对照)。PAE最高剂量(18.9 mg ANC/kg BW/day, P <. 05)。也有减少(P <.05)的脂肪质量百分比、附睾脂肪垫重量、平均脂肪细胞直径和血浆甘油三酯和胆固醇。研究结束时,喂食9 mg (1 ×)或18.9 mg (2 ×) ANC/kg BW/d小鼠的空腹血糖显著低于饮水组和西格列汀组(P <. 05)。组织学和组织化学分析显示,1 ×或2 ×剂量喂养的小鼠肝脏出现了意想不到的变化,包括肝脏肿大和脂质沉积增加。PAE还诱导了最具差异的基因表达变化,包括在所有剂量下极显著的下游效应以降低d-葡萄糖浓度。总的来说,发酵的蓝莓-黑莓饮料中的酚类化合物对C57BL/6J小鼠的肥胖和空腹血糖的发展有一定的影响。
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