Flavonoid-Rich Mixed Berries Maintain and Improve Cognitive Function Over a 6 h Period in Young Healthy Adults
Abstract and Figures
Research with young adults has previously indicated flavonoid-rich berry interventions facilitate improved executive function (EF) and positive affect 20 min–2 h post-dosing. There has been little consideration of the impact of a berry intervention over a working day and interventions have also tended to consider only a single berry type. This study investigated the temporal profile of EF and mood changes over a 6 h period following a mixed-berry intervention. We hypothesized berry-related benefits would be most evident when participants were cognitively compromised on demanding elements of the task or during periods of fatigue. The study employed a single-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, between-subjects design. Forty participants aged 20–30 years consumed a 400 mL smoothie containing equal blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry (n = 20) or matched placebo (n = 20). Mood was assessed using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; EF was tested using the Modified Attention Network (MANT) and Task Switching (TST) Tasks. Testing commenced at baseline then 2, 4 and 6 h post-dosing. As expected, following placebo intervention, performance decreased across the day as participants became cognitively fatigued. However, following berry intervention, participants maintained accuracy on both cognitive tasks up to and including 6 h, and demonstrated quicker response times on the MANT at 2 and 4 h, and TST at 6 h. This study demonstrates the efficacy of flavonoid rich berries in maintaining or improving cognitive performance across the 6 h day.
此前对年轻人的研究表明,富含类黄酮的浆果干预可以改善执行功能(EF),并在服药20分钟至2小时后产生积极影响。很少考虑一个工作日内浆果干预的影响,干预也往往只考虑一种浆果类型。本研究调查了在混合浆果干预后6小时内EF和情绪变化的时间概况。我们假设,与浆果相关的益处在参与者对任务的要求元素认知受损或在疲劳期间最为明显。该研究采用单盲、随机、安慰剂对照、受试者间设计。40名年龄在20 - 30岁之间的参与者饮用了含有相同的蓝莓、草莓、覆盆子和黑莓(n = 20)的400毫升奶昔,或匹配的安慰剂(n = 20)。情绪评估采用积极和消极情绪量表;使用改进注意网络(Modified Attention Network, MANT)和任务转换(Task Switching, TST)任务对EF进行测试。试验在基线、给药后2、4和6小时开始。正如预期的那样,在安慰剂干预后,参与者一天的表现随着认知疲劳而下降。然而,贝瑞干预后,参与者保持精度在认知任务包括6 h,并演示了更快的响应时间在MANT 2和4 h,和结核菌素6 h。这项研究证明了富含类黄酮的浆果在一天6小时内保持或改善认知能力的功效。
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